Models uploading without texture

I’m trying to import my models from 3D max, in FBX or OBJ format, but cannot get them in with the textures. Please help!

Import them where?

If you’re speaking of Unity3D, then I’ll end up forwarding you to Unity3D’s community/forum resources since this venue is for assisting developers in writing software for zSpace.

My other guess is that you’re speaking of zStudio. Still, not exactly the right venue, but I can try to assist. My understanding is that zStudio can import .objs. Is 3ds generating .mtl files when you export to .obj?

Thanks for replying Alex!
Yes, zStudio. I export a FBX with media included in the file from 3Ds max ( like I do usually for unity and other software packages), but one I import into zStudio, but cannot see textures. Tried various FBX versions and couldn’t not get the textures. Another issue I get is that the various parts of the model are moving, and the model looks exploded in some areas

What is the recommended method to export from 3D max straight into zStudio? Can animations be included. Thanks ;))

Hi Eytanm,

I recommend giving Collada (.dae) format a try. I haven’t verified personally, but our documentation appears to suggest that it is better supported by the ASSIMP library that underpins our model importing system. Let me know if that doesn’t work and I’ll take a closer look.

To my knowledge, importing animations is not supported.