Performance Degradation on Battery Power

Hi Alex
The frame rate of the Inspire program remains stable while charging, but decreases significantly when the charger is unplugged. How to ensure stable program operation without charging.

The simple answer is to optimize the performance of your application.

The application’s performance decreases on battery power because Windows will by default enable a “battery saver” mode that limits performance. The user can manually turn this off and tell Windows to keep running in performance mode even if it’s running on the battery, but it would not be appropriate for applications (such as yours) to manually force the system to run in performance mode on battery.

Either optimize your app to run performantly with the available hardware power on battery, or tell users to enable performance mode when on battery.

If your next question is how to optimize your app on battery power, this is a question better asked of the wider Unity3D programming community since the available solutions are not unique to zSpace.

Alex S